yearly planning and reflecting guidebook
In just a few focused hours, this guidebook helps you reflect on the past year and create a clear plan for the year ahead.
By adapting strategic business frameworks to personal life, it offers a unique approach to understanding your achievements, challenges, and goals.
Along the way, you‘ll find thoughtful insights and inspiration to keep you motivated.
Whether you‘re looking to grow personally, professionally, or both, this guidebook provides the structure and tools you need to cultivate meaningful progress in every aspect of your life.
“Seeds of Personal Growth“ is your hands-on companion for self-discovery, inspiration, and future planning.
“Planning is the first step for taking care of myself and my future.”
Katharina Mayer
“Empowerment beginnt mit Self-Empowerment. Wenn ich mich selbst bestärken kann, kann ich es auch und noch besser bei anderen.”
Tijen Onaran (Unternehmerin, Bestseller Autorin & Investorin)
“This workbook is a total game-changer to unlock your potential and my heartfelt recommendation.”
Nina Julie Lepique (Founder Femtasy)
The story behind the book
Read what inspired me for the book.